Nutritionist Service
Nutritionist in Benidorm
At Farmacia Los Almendros we have a free nutritionist service in Benidorm.
Sonia, our registered nutritionist, will help you achieve your ideal weight by adopting healthy lifestyle habits.
Once you have made an appointment and are in her consultation:
With a Body Composition Analyzer it will measure your weight and the distribution between water / muscle / fat.
Depending on your case, he will give you a treatment that includes a diet and exercise tables to achieve your goal.
In addition, it will provide you with ongoing follow-up and support.

Eliminate digestive, liver and kidney toxins with the help of purifying and draining supplements.

You lose weight by correcting habits and working on the root of the problem (fat accumulation, fluid retention, etc.).

Objective Accomplished
You meet your goal thanks to the fact that you have learned to lead a healthy life and diet. We teach you to maintain it.
Do you know the Tcuida method?
The Tcuida method is a nutritional advice service that is carried out in your pharmacy by a qualified nutritionist.
She will teach you to eat healthily, without giving up what you like!, and to modify your life habits so that you can lose weight more effectively. In addition, she works with accessories that will help you reach your goal faster.
The method is based on the combination of three phases:
Purification: digestive, hepatic, and renal toxins are eliminated with the help of draining and purifying supplements.
Correction: it is the phase of greatest weight loss. We correct your lifestyle habits and work from the root of the problem: fluid retention, fat accumulation, etc. We will follow a diet adapted to your tastes and we will rely on fat burners, diuretics and supplements that improve circulation.
Objective achieved: it is not only a matter of following a diet and losing weight, but we teach you to follow a healthy life and diet so that you can maintain everything you have achieved over time.